Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander Review

Product Name: Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander
Product Description: The Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander is one sander which is flawless in its work and design.
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Consumer Review - 9.6/10
Sanding is made easier by Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander. We highly recommend that amateurs purchase the Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander as it would be a good beginner tool for them. For professionals, they must move on to the large sanding machines as this is not the perfect choice for them.
Bosch is one company on which we can fully trust as they always come up with quality assured products. Their products are long lasting and reliable. From last few years, Bosch has been making electrical power sanders. Bosch has been named as the #1 seller in Air powered Sanders on, and this review details one of the many reasons why.
These sanders help us out in our day to day sanding tasks and help in smoothening out surfaces. One such sander is the Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander, and according to this detailed review it’s one of the best on the market.
Sanding is made easier by Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander. We highly recommend that amateurs purchase the Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander as it would be a good beginner tool for them.
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Product Description
It is a small and compact sander. There is a 2.5-amp motor for powerful performance. Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander also has the option for variable speed. You can adjust the speed between 7500-12000 orbits per minute. You can match the speed with the surface type easily. There is a hook-and-loop disc attachment which helps in the powerful grip of the disc.
35000 hooks are used to keep it firm and strong. There is also a dust catcher which clears out a lot of dust as there is a micro filter system and you even the smallest particles of dust are trapped. The full package includes Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander, sanding pad, dust canister, vacuum hose adapter, sanding disc, dampening ring and a carrying case. All this comes at a quite low price of $55.
Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander Price
Check Amazon for the best prices, discounts and promotions on the Bosch Random Orbit Sander by clicking on the exclusive link below.
Most of the users regarded this tool as a great sander which helps in great solid construction. Many users said that it is an easy-to-use tool and even the beginners can use this tool. The small design gave an easy grip and helped in sanding in tight and congested places.
It is a light tool and vibrates less. Bosch gives a one-year service warranty to the buyers and a 30-day money back guarantee. It is a good value for money and recommended by many users. Almost 80% of the buyers rated it 5 out of 5 stars.
Bosch Random Orbit Sander on Amazon
Check Amazon for the latest discounts and promotions on what many view as one of the best orbit sanders out there.
There are not many cons regarding this product as it’s flawless. Yet, we can say that it is not a suitable tool for professionals and for large sanding tasks. One user had some complaint regarding dust as well. He claimed that the dust canister wasn’t sucking the dust properly and he felt as if most of the dust is getting out.
It has a small 2.5-amp motor thus it cannot take an extremely high load. However, on the whole, there is no major technical fault in this tool. Only 5% of the buyers rated it 1 or 2 out of 5 stars.
Yes! Definite purchase! A must-buy tool. No doubt this tool works flawlessly. It has various features at a low price. Sanding is made easier by Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander. We highly recommend that amateurs purchase the Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander as it would be a good beginner tool for them.
For professionals, they must move on to the large sanding machines as this is not the perfect choice for them.
Bosch ROS20VSC Random Orbit Sander Image
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