Grizzly G0739 Oscillating Spindle Sander Review

Product Name: Grizzly G0739 Oscillating Spindle Sander
Product Description: The Grizzly G0739 Oscillating Spindle Sander is a great option for those looking for quality, portability, and ease of use in one power sander.
Price: $$$
Currency: US
Availability: InStock
Consumer Review - 8.6/10
If you’re looking for a very dependable oscillating spindle sander than the Grizzly G0739 is a sure thing. While it won’t exactly blow you away in terms of power and options, it does specifically what it was intended to do. The Grizzly G0739 Oscillating Spindle Sander received an 8.8 out of 10 which makes it a great portable option that gets desired results.
Grizzly is well-known within the industry of producing mid-range sanders that have qualities that both beginners and professionals alike can appreciate. Grizzly spindle sanders are more of the same as they have proven time and time again that they deserved to be recognized with all of the top manufacturers, which they are. The quality that goes into each Grizzly sander is reminiscent of the increasing sales we’ve seen each year, and this year they’re right on track.
The Grizzly G0739 Oscillating Spindle Sander comes in at the middle of the pack when looking at price, and compared to most it has some very good features. The G0739 is one of the many spindle sanders by Grizzly as it boasts versatility in proving that performance is an option. The oscillating feature is a must have as it helps create some of the smoothest, and best sanding finishes.
If you’re looking for a very dependable oscillating spindle sander than the Grizzly G0739 is a sure thing. While it won’t exactly blow you away in terms of power and options, it does specifically what it was intended to do.
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Product Description
The Grizzly G0739 Oscillating Spindle Sander may not have received the highest scores, but doesn’t mean it’s not a sander worth considering. Suited for the average user due to the ease of use and no learning curve, but still boasts some high-end features.
The G0739 features a ½-HP motor that produces 58 oscillations per minute. Clocked at 2000 RPM’s with a ½” spindle attached it gives you plenty of speed per oscillation. It comes with 6 spindles in a wide variety of diameters giving you plenty of options out of the box. With a cast iron table and all things considered, this oscillating spindle sander is very versatile and portable weighing in at just under 37 pounds. The full dimensions are 19 x 16 x 20 inches.
Grizzly G0739 Oscillating Spindle Sander Price
Check Amazon for the best prices, discounts and promotions on the Grizzly Oscillating Spindle Sander by clicking on the exclusive link below.
The amount of room that is needed is minimal and is the perfect tool for any workshop. The smaller size makes it easy to move and portable if need be, but with a ½-HP motor the Grizzly G0739 doesn’t sacrifice on power.
Many consumers raved about the dust collection system. With a 1 ½” port, it’s easy to hook up a Shop Vac using a 2 ½” hose which makes a huge difference. Changing out the sanding drums is very easy and takes no more than one minute for each change which means less downtime, and more sanding time.
Other pros for the G0739 is that its quieter than most, easy to set up, and functions right out of the box as everything including extra spindles are included.
Grizzly Oscillating Spindle Sander on Amazon
Check Amazon for the latest discounts and promotions on what many view as one of the best spindle sanders out there.
While the dust collection system is good, it would be better if the dust port was 2 ½ or even 4 inches in diameter. This would accommodate a larger vacuum hose which means an even better collection system despite getting high regards with the 1.5” port.
Another con is the price. While the Grizzly G0739 spindle sander does come in at the middle of the pack, it’s still more expensive than comparable options from Shop Fox, JET, Powermatic, and others.
If you’re looking for a very dependable oscillating spindle sander than the Grizzly G0739 is a sure thing. While it won’t exactly blow you away in terms of power and options, it does specifically what it was intended to do. The Grizzly G0739 Oscillating Spindle Sander received an 8.8 out of 10 which makes it a great portable option that gets desired results.
Grizzly G0739 Oscillating Spindle Sander Image
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