Shop Fox W1828 12 Inch Disc Sander Review

Product Name: Shop Fox W1828 12 Inch Disc Sander
Product Description: The Shop Fox W1828 12 Inch Disc Sander is higher priced than most, and is misses the mark with consumers who have already purchased it.
Price: $$$
Currency: US
Availability: InStock
Consumer Review - 7.2/10
The verdict on the Shop Fox W1828 disc sander is more bad than good, but there are some bright spots to consider. With a consumer review rating of only 7.2 there are many others that scored much higher and fall within the same price range or are even cheaper.
Shop Fox is a well-known manufacturer of sanders with disc sanders being one of their specialties. There are very few out there who have made a mark for themselves within the power tool industry as it takes a great reputation built on consumer appeal. The idea to build a tool that consumers can not only relate to, but that gets the job done with a great deal of grace, performance, and precision.
The Shop Fox W1828 12 Inch Disc Sander is another great tool that is a good adaption for both business and personal use. This disc sander comes with much of what you would expect including strong construction, safety features, and a comparable motor. The W1828 comes in with a mid-range price tag than most as you can pick one up for just under $280.
This power sander is a great multi-purpose sander does just what it says, and is a great tool for those into do it yourself projects and business purposes alike. The ability to handle a wide array of jobs makes this a good choice, but it’s difficult to overlook the sub $280 price tag and consumer complaints received.
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Product Description
The Shop Fox W1828 disc sander is a great tool that is perfect for a multitude of tasks including business, industrial, manufacturing, metalworking, and woodworking. The extremely versatile sander was designed with years of use in mind as the durable construction and rugged nature will appeal to those looking for a longer lasting disc sander.
The W1828 features a 1-HP motor with speeds that peak to 1725RPM. The ball bearing construction is extremely durable that stands up to long uses, temperature extremes, and the toughest sanding jobs. The safety switch has an automatic disabling key which is good for those inadvertent instances. The W1828 disc sander has a 15 ¾” width by 4 ½” table.
Shop Fox W1828 12 Inch Disc Sander Price
Check Amazon for the best prices, discounts and promotions on the Shop Fox 12 Inch Disc Sander by clicking on the exclusive link below.
The price which comes in just under $280 is great when comparing the Shop Fox W1828 with other high quality disc sanders, and considering the highly durable construction some say that it is much better. When looking at the performance and quality, there really is nothing to complain about.
The performance of the W1828 is second to none as a high quality finish can be achieved each and every time. No vibration unlike many disc sanders and the output power is very good. This is what most consumers raved the most about as it has proven to handle any kind of job.
Shop Fox 12 Inch Disc Sander on Amazon
Check Amazon for the latest discounts and promotions on what many view as one of the best disc sanders out there.
One of the most noticeable cons was the amount of noise the W1828 put out. The noise factor was enough to deter a few consumers with a couple even sending theirs back for a refund. When this happened, consumers did state that retailers such as Amazon made things right offering a full no questions asked refund.
The verdict on the Shop Fox W1828 disc sander is more bad than good, but there are some bright spots to consider. With a consumer review rating of only 7.2 there are many others that scored much higher and fall within the same price range or are even cheaper.
This power sander is a great multi-purpose sander does just what it says, and is a great tool for those into do it yourself projects and business purposes alike. The ability to handle a wide array of jobs makes this a good choice, but it’s difficult to overlook the sub $280 price tag and consumer complaints received.
Shop Fox W1828 12 Inch Disc Sander Image
Buy the 12 Inch Disc Sander by Shop Fox on Amazon through the exclusive link below and get free shipping with Prime.