POWERTEC BD4600 Belt Disc Sander Review

Product Name: POWERTEC BD4600 Belt Disc Sander
Product Description: The POWERTEC BD4600 Belt Disc Sander is a great buy which comes in around $100, and is perfect for hobbyists and enthusiasts.
Price: Buy From Amazon.com
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Availability: InStock
Consumer Review - 9.2/10
The POWERTEC BD4600 belt disc sander isn’t one of the largest options which makes it perfect for hobbyists and woodworking enthusiasts. For the price which comes in just over $100, it’s a steal considering you get the best of both worlds of a belt and disc sander that’s packed full of features. With a consumer rating of 9.2, most have viewed the strong construction and on-going performance some of the best aspects.
Belt and disc sanders provide the best of both worlds as the combo offering both in one is a great buy for consumers. The ability to get the best sanding finish with the unique properties that this sander combination brings to the table is perfect for any woodworking task. POWERTEC provides some of the best options as noted in the following review.
The POWERTEC BD4600 Belt Disc Sander is a great tabletop sander that is proven to be a very reliable option. Coming in at a very competitive price range while offering great features and is built to last is what some of the highlights are all about. Versatile, adjustable, and reliable performance are some of the best aspects that come to mind.
If you’re looking for a high-quality belt disc sander best suited for smaller and mid-sized projects, than the BD4600 is for you. On the other hand, it under-performs and gets bogged down for larger projects which is what it’s not made for.
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Product Description
The POWERTEC BD4600 Belt Disc Sander is a great project sander for smaller and mid-sized projects. This sander combo is becoming increasingly popular for do it yourselfers or those looking to dabble in one of the greatest past times. It serves a great purpose, and when considering the price, it’s hard to not consider it.
The BD4600 sports 4.3 Amp induction motor for great performance. This very reliable sander sits atop a cast iron base which has been proven to be very durable. The working table is listed at 6 ½” x 8 ¾”, has a belt size of 4” x 36”, belt speed of 1900 FPM, 6” disc diameter, and a has a disc speed of 3600 RPM.
Changing the sanding belts is easy due to the quick release belt tension lever. Both horizontal and vertical sanding is possible with a simple adjustment from 0 – 90 degrees. The work table allows for 0 – 45-degree sanding and precise sanding due to the miter gauge.
POWERTEC BD4600 Belt Disc Sander Price
Check Amazon for the best prices, discounts and promotions on the POWERTEC Belt Disc Sander by clicking on the exclusive link below.
You can pick up the POWERTEC BD4600 for just over 100 bucks which makes it very budget friendly. It’ll be easy to find another budget friendly belt disc sander for around the same price, but it’ll be very difficult to match one up with the same great features.
Consumers have viewed the POWERTEC BD4600 the cast iron construction as very durable and lives up to the token of being built to last. The smaller stature makes it a true space saver for the tool shop, it’s a great option for hobbyists with smaller projects in mind.
POWERTEC Belt Disc Sander on Amazon
Check Amazon for the latest discounts and promotions on what many view as one of the best disc sanders out there.
One of the biggest cons is the amount of noise this smaller belt disc sander produces. While this is more of an annoyance than a performance issue, the noise is more reminiscent of a much larger belt disc sander.
The initial adjustments of getting the belt tuned in has become quite a chore for some. Many consumers have stated that it takes a few passes to get the belt completely aligned, but after these adjustments the belt maintains and minimal on-going adjustments are needed.
The POWERTEC BD4600 belt disc sander isn’t one of the largest options which makes it perfect for hobbyists and woodworking enthusiasts. For the price which comes in just over $100, it’s a steal considering you get the best of both worlds of a belt and disc sander that’s packed full of features. With a consumer rating of 9.2, most have viewed the strong construction and on-going performance some of the best aspects.
If you’re looking for a high-quality belt disc sander best suited for smaller and mid-sized projects, than the BD4600 is for you. On the other hand, it under-performs and gets bogged down for larger projects which is what it’s not made for.
POWERTEC BD4600 Belt Disc Sander Image
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