SHOP FOX W1773 37 Inch 15-HP Drum Sander Review

Product Name: SHOP FOX W1773 37 Inch 15-HP Drum Sander
Product Description: The SHOP FOX W1773 37 Inch 15-HP Drum Sander is as close to a perfect tool for industrial and business purposes as you'll find.
Price: $$$$
Currency: US
Availability: InStock
Consumer Review - 9.4/10
Representative of the price, the SHOP FOX W1773 three phase drum sander packs quite a punch. This isn’t just any drum sander as it sports a 15HP motor and can handle virtually any sanding job you can imagine. This is the perfect tool for true professionals, but isn’t for those who are the least bit timid.
SHOP FOX may just be the king of power tools, as drum sanders and one of the top rated manufacturers worldwide have been introducing perfection for quite some time. SHOP FOX has been building high end drum sanders meant for business purposes as the feature rich, and extremely powerful tools are always viewed as some of the best on the market.
The SHOP FOX W1773 37 Inch 15-HP Drum Sander is yet another high end tool that sports all of the high end bells and whistles we’ve come to expect from one of the best. This true woodworker’s tool mixes power and performance, but brings with a touch of modern flare to create one heck of a power sander. Priced at the higher end of the spectrum, it’s perfect for those who are looking to make a staple within the industry itself.
Representative of the price, the SHOP FOX W1773 three phase drum sander packs quite a punch. This isn’t just any drum sander as it sports a 15HP motor and can handle virtually any sanding job you can imagine.
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Product Description
The SHOP FOX W1773 sports dual drums and a 15HP motor. The variable speed conveyor control box makes for superior controls which also helps minimize any overheating. The solid steel construction makes it extremely durable, and all with a hinged door.
The control panel will soon become your best friend as you can precisely control the speed, depth, height, and anything you can imagine in one convenient location. The Amplifier load meter will alert you to any unforeseen situations which will give you ample time to make any necessary adjustments. The state of the art computer balanced drums will allow you to get an extremely smooth finish without any complications.
SHOP FOX W1773 37 Inch 15-HP Drum Sander Price
Check Amazon for the best prices, discounts and promotions on the SHOP FOX 37 Inch 15-HP Drum Sander by clicking on the exclusive link below.
It all starts with the name, and SHOP FOX hit the mark completely with the W1773. While this drum sander isn’t for everyone, it fits the perfect mold of what true woodworking professionals are looking for. You would hope that with a price tag coming in at just under $4,400 that it’s well worth it, and that it is.
The production features include the ability to sand boards up to 4” thick and 36 ½” wide. The dual 6” sanding drums boasts a feed speed 6 to 18 FPM which is adjustable allowing you to completely control the speed which we’ve seen yields a superior finish.
SHOP FOX 37 Inch 15-HP Drum Sander on Amazon
Check Amazon for the latest discounts and promotions on what many view as one of the best drum sanders out there.
It's hard to find too many negatives on SHOP FOX's W1773 other than the price. Built for industrial and businesses purposes and not for private use, but this isn't to say it wouldn't look good in your workshop. The price is steep and you can expect to pay around $4,400 which for some it'll be too much.
Representative of the price, the SHOP FOX W1773 three phase drum sander packs quite a punch. This isn’t just any drum sander as it sports a 15HP motor and can handle virtually any sanding job you can imagine. This is the perfect tool for true professionals, but isn’t for those who are the least bit timid.
If you’re looking for a power sander that literally has it all, then look no more. With state of the art precision and modern technology, the W1773 is a must have, but only if you intend on using it.
SHOP FOX W1773 37 Inch 15-HP Drum Sander Image
Buy the 37 Inch 15-HP Drum Sander by SHOP FOX on Amazon through the exclusive link below and get free shipping with Prime.