Triton TCMBS Palm Sander Review

Product Name: Triton TCMBS Palm Sander
Product Description: Triton is a new company in the industry of sanders; therefore we can expect their first masterpiece to be like the Triton TCMBS Palm Sander.
Price: $$
Currency: US
Availability: InStock
Consumer Rating Review - 7.2/10
Users are not at all satisfied by the quality of this tool. The heat up issue, the dust collection issue, the belt grip issue; these all matter a lot in case of sanders. To cover up and go ahead, Triton needs to replace this tool and get a better one.
Sanders and sanding equipment is sold on a large scale every day. Be it online shopping or be it market shopping, sanders are one thing sold in large amounts daily. One of the possible reasons for that is that sanders are extremely important in everyday tasks now. The Triton TCMBS Palm Sander is yet another, but how does it stack up to some of the more popular manufacturers on the market.
The verdict for this sander goes for the negative. This sander isn’t the right choice because it has too many manufacturing faults and errors which cause the task of sanding to be done inefficiently. Users are not at all satisfied by the quality of this tool.
The heat up issue, the dust collection issue, the belt grip issue; these all matter a lot in case of sanders. To cover up and go ahead, Triton needs to replace this tool and get a better one
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Product Description
The Triton TCMBS Palm Sander has a separate flush side for sanding on the edge of the workpiece. For increased control and support, there is Rubber Over-Mold Grip. It also has a belt tracking adjustment which enables you to re-centre the sanding belt as per your requirement. It can reach small places as well as it is a compact lightweight Designed sander which can even fit in the palm of your hand.
Triton TCMBS Palm Sander Price
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The Triton TCMBS Palm Sander is a small tool which is good for small tasks. It is small and to an extent, you can call it powerful as well. Unlike other sanders, Triton does not charge you quite a lot for this tool. It is a good tool for simple trim work but a horrible choice in case of bigger work. It is more of a freebie-used tool.
Triton Palm Sander on Amazon
Check Amazon for the latest discounts and promotions on what many view as one of the best palm sanders out there.
“This tool is terrible and not at all durable for me”, “I regret my purchase”, “Why did I spend my hard-earned money on this tool”. Yes! All these lines are being heard from the buyers of this tool. It has totally failed to provide users an output result which they expected. It has an extremely poor dust removal system and you might see only 3% of the dust in the dust bag. The rest goes out in the air. Moreover, this tool always gets hot.
The triton TCMBS becomes so hot that sometimes users got scared whether to continue its usage or give it a rest for some time. It isn’t a very strong sander and does not sand as per requirements of the users. The smell of the sander makes it feel like its melting or it’s going to burn very soon. Even the users with good reviews stated major problems in this sander which have been verified as well.
The verdict for this sander goes for the negative. This sander isn’t the right choice because it has too many manufacturing faults and errors which cause the task of sanding to be done inefficiently. Users are not at all satisfied by the quality of this tool.
The heat up issue, the dust collection issue, the belt grip issue; these all matter a lot in case of sanders. To cover up and go ahead, Triton needs to replace this tool and get a better one
Triton TCMBS Palm Sander Image
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